Games to get: Christmas 2013

November has begun, together with all the highly anticipated games that always try to squeeze in just before Christmas. Battlefield 4 and Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag have both already launched, and with games like Call of Duty: Ghosts still to come there will be plenty to play for the coming few months (or perhaps even years). And the biggest launches of all are coming too: the mighty Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

These games (and consoles) together with all the great games that have been released throughout the year are going to make for an extremely long Christmas wishlist.


Whether you’re buying them for someone else or just getting them for yourself, here are 5 of the games you’ll want to get this Christmas (in no particular order):

Game #1:

Pokémon X/Y

Let’s get this out of the way: I’m a huge fan of Pokémon. Not the series. Not the cards. Not the toys. Just the games. The games have always been simple, but the pure charm and extreme fun you can get just through forcing little creatures to set each other on fire or throw rocks at one another is simply astounding. And seen as this is the first time the main series is appearing on the 3DS, now is the perfect time to get back into Pokémon if Black/White 2 didn’t cut it for you.


Game #2:

Naruto: Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst

I’ve been watching Naruto for a few months now, and while I’m in a Naruto rage this is deffinetely on my wanted list. Now also on PC, Full Burst is Ninja Storm 3 with all the DLC and an extra chapter. This complete package makes for one of the most enticing fighting games out now, and is one that I will be picking up as soon as I can.

Note: make sure you’re up to date on the manga/ series before buying this, as they don’t explain what is happening and it would be a shame to miss out on such an epic storyline!


Game #3:

Total War: Rome II

After a buggy start, this much-anticipated return to the famous and much loved franchise is a fun and highly enjoyable return to the Roman Empire. The hype was very high for this game, and when it was released it was hit with a massive amount of negativity due to plenty of bugs and glitches.

It may have launched too early, but Creative Assembly tried to make amends with weekly updates and bug fixes together with numorous free DLC packs. It seems to have been mostly fixed now, and the game is still as deep and rewarding as the previous entries in the franchise were. Now is the best time to pick it up!


Game #4:

Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes was in immensely fun and refreshing RTS, and Company of Heroes 2 came out in a starving market dominated by Starcraft 2. You are a commander of the Soviet Red Army, trying to halt the German advance and push them back into Berlin. It’s no RTS revolution, but it makes classic gameplay elements even more fun.

A brilliant campaign, great co-op and entertaining multiplayer come together to create a game that is everything you would expect from a sequel to what is seen as one of the best RTS games of all time.


Game #5:

Civilization 5: Brave New World

The second expansion to what is arguable the most popular 4X strategy game out there, Brave New World adds plenty of content to what is already an amazing game. A new cultural victory condition, new policies, ideologies, the World Congress, trade routes, new civilizations, new units, new buildings, new wonders AND new scenarios!

All this together with a healthy modding community and mod support through the steam workshop make for endless fun, especially when playing with friends. Whether you want to conquer your enemies or just show them how cool your civilization is, this expansion makes the game even more fun and accessible for everyone.


These are just some of the great games that will undoubtedly be played during the coming holiday season. It may still be some time away, but there is already plenty to look forward to.

Happy gaming everyone,
